It's Hip to be Square!
Emlynn JonesMy sticker books are one of my favorite products! Not only are they super fun to design, I love filling them will all the amazing stickers I find at conventions and on Etsy. They are the perfect way to store and display your sticker collection!
So imagine my excitement when I found out square sticker books were a possibility! I have so much artwork that just doesn't work with the classic rectangular format, but with a square format...oh yeah, now we're talking!
I know it may seem like a pretty small change. They're square, what's the big deal? Trust me, it really does feel different when you hold them in your hands. I couldn't be happier with these new sticker books! I'm so excited to get them to you!
Checkout all these fun, new designs:
But square sticker books aren't just for my polaroid art! Even Cade and my ghosts are getting in on the square action!