How to keep your Milky Tomato bracelets looking clean and new!
Emlynn JonesThe great thing about my material bracelets is that the upkeep on them is so easy! When they start looking a little dingey, simply give them a wash and allow them to air dry. I hear of several ways people get this done; keep them on when you wash in the shower (but not every day) or use a little detergent to soak them in your bathroom sink.
These methods are just fine! Just remember to air dry them without heat. Heat will weaken the elastics and they will get brittle, break, and not return to their original un-stretched shape.
This brings me to machine washing your bracelets. I love this method! But you must use a garment bag so they don't get lost in the mechanics of your washing machine. And if you're going to place them in your dryer because you're in a hurry to dry them, use the garment bag and a "no heat" setting. Remember: The heat from your dryer will weaken the elastics!
(Example of a garment bag)