How to remove that protective layer of plastic from your Milky Tomato keychains!
Emlynn JonesTake your keychain and flip it over so the rounded epoxy side is face down and the flat back is facing up.
Pick an edge of the keychain to peel off the protective plastic layer from.
Use your nail or a firm flat object like a ruler to scrape the edge of the keychain to bring up part of the protective layer.
Grab the now ripped-up edge and pull away from the corner.
Keep pulling until the entire protective layer is fully lifted off the keychain.
And boom! Your keychain is now extra shiny and free of the temporary plastic layer!
Key points to remember:
Start at a corner: Always begin peeling from a corner of the keychain to get a good grip on the plastic film.
Use gentle pressure: Do not pull too forcefully, as this could damage the keychain. Do NOT pull too quickly or you'll risk ripping the plastic film before getting it removed from more intricate areas and difficult corners! (I'm looking at you, Camera Keychains!)
Use a tool if needed: If your nails aren't strong enough, use a small piece of tape or a sharp blade (like an X-acto knife) to carefully lift the corner of the film. Be careful not to scrape or scratch the actual keychain surface!
Check for residue: Once the plastic is removed, check for any leftover adhesive residue and clean it off with a slightly damp cloth.