How to apply your Milky Tomato Patch!
Emlynn Jones

Patches can provide a quick way to upgrade clothing items like a jacket, jeans or hat. Plus, they can be a fun way to add flair to bags and backpacks. And what's great is, you don't need to sew to get the job done thanks to iron-on patches, which are easy to work with.
You can iron patches onto a wide range of fabrics, including polyester, denim and more, but natural materials like cotton provide the best blank canvas. Keep in mind: Some materials, like leather or heat-sensitive synthetics, are prone to scorching and heat damage, so it's best to choose sew-on patches for any items with this type of more delicate construction.
Ready to get started? Here's a quick step-by-step:
- Prep. First make sure that the backing of the patch is clear of any debris such as hairs, fuzz, lint or dirt. Next, you need to know what kind of fabric you are ironing the patch onto.
- Choose the right temperature. If you're putting a patch on apparel — jeans or a shirt, for example — follow the iron setting mentioned on the care tag. If there is no care tag, it's better to be safe than sorry, so use a lower heat, but keep the iron on the patch long enough for the adhesive back to melt and fuse with the fabric. We also recommend covering the patch with a piece of fabric or parchment paper before ironing so you don't burn it.
- Iron on. Depending on the size of the patch, try to use just the tip of the iron while adding on the patch. Start from the middle of the patch to act as an anchor and move out from there. Keep in mind that the adhesive backing on an iron-on patch needs to fully melt to then bond onto the fabric.
- Let it rest. Once you are sure that the adhesive has bonded, take the iron off of the patch, and let your fabric and patch rest and cool down a bit. After about 5 to 10 minutes, you can lift the fabric vertically and see if there are any spots where the patch hasn't fully fused. If necessary, repeat the process until the patch is fully bonded.
- In general, delicate fibers, like polyester, use lower heat and heavier duty and more durable fibers like wool, cotton and linen can withstand a higher heat. Denim jeans and jackets, as well as most backpacks, can also tolerate higher heat. Most irons have fiber settings that are safe to follow when selecting the best temperature to iron on a patch.
No matter what level of heat you're using, never use the steam setting to iron on patches—the water prevents proper bonding. Always use a dry iron to adhere patches.
- If your iron-on patch isn't working, your iron probably isn't hot enough. Be sure to give your iron a few minutes to fully warm up to your selected setting before using it. And if you're attaching the patch onto a delicate fabric, slowly ramp up the iron's heat and make sure to only use the tip of the iron and let it sit on the patch long enough for the heat to reach the adhesive, so it melts and bonds. Proceed carefully on delicate fabrics to keep from melting or damaging them.
Pro-tip: If you notice the adhesive doesn’t hold up over time and your patch starts to peel around the edges, you can reattach by using fabric glue or hand sewing just the portion that is peeling.