Meet the Star Babies!
Emlynn Jones♡ There's star baaaabies waitin' in the sky!
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Pink is the most playful of the wandering Star Babies! Whether they're playing video games, finding exciting adventures, or just hanging out with their Star Baby siblings, Pink loves being with friends and having fun! They aren’t always the best at listening and often lose track of time, arriving late even for their own plans! But the other wandering Star Babies know Pink means well and is too caught in the now to plan for the future. Pink’s favorite food is cotton candy and their favorite drink is Big Red. Pink loves a sugar rush!
Purple is a dreamer. Whether they have their head in a book or in the clouds, they're always daydreaming! Not surprisingly, Purple is an amazing storyteller and entertains the other Star Babies with epic tales of adventure and mystery. They also love playing board games of all types. When the Star Babies gather to play their favorite role-playing games, you know Purple is always the Game Master. Their favorite food is ramen and they always ask for an extra egg. For dessert, their favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough!
Blue is a crier, like they cry a lot. But unlike their name may suggest, they’re not always tears of sorrow. Blue simply has an inexhaustible well of tears and a powerful empathy for all their fellow Star Babies. Blue is an amazing listener, so the other Star Babies share their joys, fears, hopes, worries, problems, and everything. And Blue sheds tears! Blue is also the gentlest of the Star Babies, always wanting to help their siblings and always there for them when needed. They also love watching the Mother Moon Bear and her Moon Cubs. Blue’s favorite food is spaghetti and garlic bread!
Green is dead. Surprisingly, being dead has not impacted them nearly as much as they had expected. In fact, it’s been quite liberating. Not needing to eat or sleep has freed up so much time for their hobbies, not to mention not feeling cold or hot or pain definitely has its advantages. The other Star Babies were at first taken worried by Green’s mortal state, or lack thereof, but soon found that Green was still as great a friend as ever! They are always willing to listen and they give the best advice for life’s little problems. Green doesn’t have a favorite food since they no longer eat. But before their current deceased state, they were known to be partial to Oreos and cold milk!
Orange is a go-getter! They’ve never seen a mountain they didn’t want to scale or a task they wouldn’t complete! They love helping all the other Star Babies conquer their fears and try new and exciting things. To Orange, making new friends is the greatest adventure of all! They LOVE making new friends! Making new friends means discovering a new world of new things to learn and fun things to try! Orange is an amazing baker and their prize-winning scones are a favorite among all of the Star Babies. Their weekly tea parties are a highlight for all the Star Babies. Orange also loves sherbet! Rainbow sherbet is their favorite, but in a pinch, any flavor will do!
Yellow is always trying to make the other stars smile. Yellow’s goal in life is to make the perfect gift for each of their friends. They love working with their hands and finding new ways to make wonderful gifts. Whether it's painting, crocheting, bookbinding, or printmaking, Yellow wants to make anything and everything for everyone. Yellow loves making and eating macarons, fruit tarts, and saltwater taffy and, of course, sharing their tasty treats with all the other Star Babies. Their favorite food is whatever dish they just recently learned to make!
Soul Sucker
The inverted Star Baby is Void, a black hole. They don't really exist, they just take the recognizable form of a Star Baby. Void is empty and infectious. As much as the others want to get to know Void, they fear for their souls. They feel like ink mixed with oil, they are a stain and a stench. BUT if they didn't ruin everything and everyone around them, their favorite activity would be painting and making tasty tiny sandwiches for picnic parties with their friends...if they had any…